We offer a simplified approach to estate planning. For the majority of people, there are only a few documents needed to plan for the future. A last will and testament (commonly known simply as a will) is of the most important.
Estate planning documents serve two primary purposes. (1) It puts in writing your wishes so that those who survive you can carry out your wishes - both financially and medically.
(2) If you are in a terminal and unconscious state, it takes the burden off of your family and loved ones to make certain medical decisions.
Many people don't want to talk about these issues, but making these decisions before the situation is too late can be the best gift that you've ever given to your family, friends, and loved ones.
We're also here to give tips, pointers, and other guidance to ensure that your family and loved ones can easily take care of your finances and estate. We never try to upsell you into a complex estate planning process or try to scare you about the probate process. We just offer an honest and simplified service to meet your needs.
When the situation arises to distribute your estate, we are also here to guide your family, friends, and loved ones through the probate process.

Here's a sample of the services that we offer our clients:
✓ Last Will and Testament - A last will and testament, also known simply as a will, is your tool to determine how your assets will be distributed. It also allows you to name the personal representative of your estate. The personal representative will be in charge of paying your bills and distributing your estate. Without a will, your estate will be distributed according to the laws of your state.
✓ Durable Power of Attorney - If you are unable to make financial decisions on your behalf, an executed durable power of attorney will allow a person to act on your behalf to ensure that your financial affairs are taken care of for you.
✓ Power of Attorney for Health Care - The time may come where you are unable to make decisions relating to your health care but your condition is not terminal. This document will allow you to appoint a person to make these decisions on your behalf until you can again make these decisions for yourself.
✓ Health Care Directive - A health care directive allows you to determine how long you want to receive specific life-sustaining medical treatment in the case that you are diagnosed with a terminal condition. By making these decisions beforehand, you take this heavy burden off of your family and loved ones.
✓ Probate - After death, probate is the process of paying debts, closing accounts, and distributing the assets of an estate. The process can be simple, but it's a necessary process in most situations.

Contact us now:
1. Call: 509-710-1914
2. Email the owner direct: David@NWCorporateCounsel.com
3. Fill out the following form.